Bread and Rosaries

Ep.46 - Why Bother 2: Why Botherer

Adam Spiers, Luca Von Badass, Jonny Bell & Ben Molyneux-Hetherington Season 4 Episode 46

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Adam and Ben discuss why they still bother with politics, how their Christianity relates to this and their differing approached to doubt. They also discuss Israel's ongoing genocide of the Palestinian people.

You can find a form letter for writing to your MP about Palestine on our website:

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Here's a bunch of resources about Palestine:

Beer Christianity newsletter on condemning Hamas
Short video on anti-zionism and anti-semitism
Article on how anti-zionism is anti-racism
Twitter thread on genocide in Gaza
Yanis Varoufakis article on not condemning Hamas or Israel
YouTube video on Palestinian Liberation Theology
Podcast on refusing genocide
Podcasts by The Magnificast, Beer Christianity and Politics, Theory, Other have all recently dealt with Palestine
An article by a genocide scholar on Gaza
Three Palestinians describe the current situation in Gaza (Article)

Christians for Palestine:

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