Bread and Rosaries
Welcome to Bread and Rosaries, the UK based podcast that delves into the complexities of eating the rich in the name of Jesus.
We have episodes on protest, motherhood, policing, liberation theology, purity culture and much more. Plus guests superior to any other podcast! So whether you’re a Christian seeking a fresh perspective or a raging communist curious about spirituality in the revolution, Bread and Rosaries is here to blow your mind! And failing that, you can always come and join us as we try not to get sued for defamation by the Tories!
70 episodes
Ep.68 - New Media for the Christian Left (feat. Jonty Langley)
That's right folks! It's finally happened! Beer Christianity's Jonty Langley has degraded himself (further?) by appearing on a lesser UK-based leftist Christian podcast! Join Ben and Adam as they quiz Jonty about the need for new leftist Christ...
Season 6
Episode 68
Ep.67 - From Bad to Wurst: Unpacking the German Elections (feat. Dr. Antonia Rumpf)
That's right folks, it's the sequel nobody wanted! The German far-right have come second in the federal elections... everything's gonna be fine, right? Right?!! Oh God, tell us everything's gonna be fine! Adam and Ben are joined for thi...
Season 6
Episode 67
Ep.66 - Does the UK have a Christian far-right?
Does the UK have a Christian far-right? Yes... yes it does. We can't believe this is even a question, but one academic paper claims otherwise. Join Ben and Adam as they take a look.NB There is no video this week because *someone* forgot...
Season 6
Episode 66
Ep.65 - The Evangelical Alliance
The Evangelical Alliance have been having a bit of an a recruitment drive on social media. This annoyed Adam so much that he insisted we do an episode about them and their shit! Also present for today's episode are actual bona fide<...
Season 6
Episode 65
Ep.64 - The Fall of Justin Welby
We planned this episode before Justin Welby announced his resignation and recorded it shortly after the news broke. It was set to be our most timely and relevant episode yet! But then Adam fell ill and couldn’t edit it in time. So, if you can, ...
Season 5
Episode 64
Ep.63 - One Year On: Palestine and the Complicity of Neutrality
Ben and Adam reflect on a year of faith leaders' moral failure in response to Israel's genocide of the Palestinian people as well as a much better response from liberation theologian, Sarojini Nadar. They also talk about Saint of the Week, St. ...
Season 5
Episode 63
Ep.62 - Democracy as Ideology
How is democracy used ideologically? Is it even the best way to structure society? Are there alternatives? Jonny and Adam try to get to the bottom of it and along the way run into dogs painted to look like pandas, the resurrection of a long-los...
Season 5
Episode 62
Ep.61 - The Politics of Charity
Is charity really the solution to society’s biggest problems, or is it just a sticking plaster for an evil capitalist system?! Join Ben and Adam as they critique Jon Kuhrt's lecture Grace, Truth and the Common Good, discuss this week’s...
Season 5
Episode 61
Ep.60 - The Church's Hedge Fund Financier
Ben and Adam take a look at the influence of right-wing hedge fund manager and media mogul, Paul Marshall's quiet reshaping the Church of England through financial influence. They also spotlight Gresham Kirkby, the Anglican priest who proclaime...
Season 5
Episode 60
Ep.59 - Where is the Church's Prophetic Voice?
As an established church, the Church of England occupies a unique position in the constitutional life of England and the UK as a whole. But in the face of growing authoritarianism, how can it act prophetically? Is it time to give up...
Season 5
Episode 59
Ep.58 - Spirituality for the Secular Left (feat. Graham Jones)
Does the secular left need a better approach to spirituality and faith? What can it learn from religious practices? And is a materialist spirituality possible? Join Ben and Adam as they chat with author and activist, Graham Jones, about his boo...
Season 5
Episode 58
Ep.57 - Kicked Out for Queer Inclusion (feat. James Sholl)
What happens when a church decides to fully embrace queer inclusion? To find out, Bread and Rosaries takes a rare detour across the Atlantic where Adam chats with James Sholl, pastor of Wellspring Worship Centre, Toronto.
Season 5
Episode 57
Ep.56 - Flexing My Electorals
From the CofE's standard 'let's not be mean' offering in #PrayYourPart, to something a little more interesting from the Diocese of Salisbury, join Adam Spiers and Jonny Bell as they take a look at some Christian responses to the upcoming ...
Season 5
Episode 56
Ep.55 - Russell Brand: Brother in Christ
So er... Russell Brand's a Christian now apparently. Join Ben and Adam as they rejoice at the news and discuss the Christian/conspiracy theorist/Fascist pipeline. Also listen out for Saint of the Week, Joseph Brotherton.
Season 5
Episode 55
Ep.54 - Pain in the Cass
Ben, Adam, and Jonny take a look at the Cass Review into gender health care for young people, discussing some of the biases, shady characters and rhetoric associated with it. Naturally Jonny thinks Hegel can help and Adam wants to talk ab...
Season 5
Episode 54
Ep.53 - Britain's Betrayal of Palestine (feat. Dr. Peter Shambrook)
When the echoes of history reverberate through today's headlines, understanding the past becomes essential to navigating the present. Ben Molyneux-Hetherington and Adam Spiers are joined by Dr. Peter Shambrook, author of 'Policy of Deceit: Brit...
Season 5
Episode 53
Ep.52 - Kairos Palestine
Ben, Jonny and Adam talk about the Kairos Palestine document in light of Israel's ongoing genocide of the Palestinian people. At time of publication kairospalestine.ps is unavailable, b...
Season 5
Episode 52
Ep.51 - Organising for Palestine
Ben and Adam talk about the importance of Christians organising for a free Palestine and what role they can play in the movement. Also, we know we're extremely late with this one. Adam blames his dog... and work. But mostly th...
Season 5
Episode 51
Ep.50 - Empire Theology and Empire Medals (feat. Rev. Chris Howson BEM)
To kick off the New Year and a new series, Ben and Adam are joined once again by Chris Howson who tries to defend his acceptance of a New Year's honour and talks about two very different sermons.
Season 5
Episode 50
Christmas in Palestine
Christ is born, but celebrations in Palestine have been cancelled. Palestine Solidarity Campaign FundraiserWith thanks to Ragh...
Ep.49 - The True Levellers Standard Advanced
Cap out the fourth season with Adam as he reads from start to finish, Gerrard Winstanley's 1649 pamphlet 'The True Levellers Standard Advanced'.
Season 4
Episode 49
Ep.48 - Bothsidesism
Jonny, Ben and Adam try to work out why 'bothsidesism' seems so prevalent in both the Church and wider society, particularly in coverage of Israel's ongoing genocide of the Palestinian people. So a nice light topic then! Liturgies...
Season 4
Episode 48
Ep.47 - Postmodern Neomarxists Cucked Our Podcast
Jonny tries to justify his love of postmodernism whilst Lu fans the flames of Adam's oscillating between incredulity and rage. Consensus is found however, in the assertion that Jordan Peterson is a hack.Find us here:
Season 4
Episode 47
Ep.46 - Why Bother 2: Why Botherer
Adam and Ben discuss why they still bother with politics, how their Christianity relates to this and their differing approached to doubt. They also discuss Israel's ongoing genocide of the Palestinian people.You can find a form letter f...
Season 4
Episode 46
Ep.45 - Liberation Theology Gathering (feat. Rev. Chris Howson)
Adam and Jonny are joined by liberation theologian, chaplain and comrade Chris Howson for his third appearance. Chris tells us about the upcoming Liberation Theology Gathering which was upcoming at time of recording, but has now taken pla...
Season 4
Episode 45