Bread and Rosaries
Welcome to Bread and Rosaries, the UK based podcast that delves into the complexities of eating the rich in the name of Jesus.
We have episodes on protest, motherhood, policing, liberation theology, purity culture and much more. Plus guests superior to any other podcast! So whether you’re a Christian seeking a fresh perspective or a raging communist curious about spirituality in the revolution, Bread and Rosaries is here to blow your mind! And failing that, you can always come and join us as we try not to get sued for defamation by the Tories!
Bread and Rosaries
Ep.55 - Russell Brand: Brother in Christ
So er... Russell Brand's a Christian now apparently. Join Ben and Adam as they rejoice at the news and discuss the Christian/conspiracy theorist/Fascist pipeline. Also listen out for Saint of the Week, Joseph Brotherton.
Christians for Palestine:
Email: christiansforpalestineuk@gmail.com
Everything Bread and Rosaries does will be free for everyone forever, but it does cost money to produce so if you wish to support the show on Patreon, we'd love you forever!
Music credits at this link