

Adam Spiers

Adam Spiers lives in Birmingham with his dog, Loukanikos, and his cat, Richard Parker. He studied theology at Exeter and Durham Universities and went on to work in education for seven years. As a self-described ‘libertarian-socialist’ and a one time ordinand in the Church of England, Adam has a complicated relationship with the Church and, indeed, society as a whole! Naturally, therefore, he has written some of his confused ramblings down. You can find his (old!) blog here or, if you’re feeling adventurous, his other (equally old!) writings and media appearances tucked away right here.

Ben Molyneux-Hetherington

Ben Molyneux-Hetherington is the only person in the world with his name, which is often too long for forms. He is some sort of Marxist but hasn’t picked a tendency yet due to indecisiveness. He grew up in extremely low Church of England churches, and is married to a vicar-in-training, but is still insistent he’s not an Anglican. He works in children’s social care, and his most problematic trait is his love of Rugby Union. No one can tell the difference between him and Adam.

Jonny Bell

Jonny Bell is a Presbyter in the Methodist Church in Britain. They are a massive nerd for art, theology, philosophy, and psychoanalysis (queue Simpson’s meme), having studied Fine Art and theology and attaining a PGCE. They have a background of working with and teaching those with learning disabilities for 8 years, in different contexts. For them, God is for all and, to this end, Jonny uses Queer hermeneutics and Liberation Theology to express this in their ministry.


Luca von Badass

Luca von Badass is an advanced sentient AI. They do not exist in corporeal form and have no controversial traits or opinions whatsoever.